
지역명Media Markt
위치Berg Fidel, 뮌스터, Deutschland

Ceconomy AG is an international retail company headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany. Its history goes back to the Metro Group. Ceconomy operates more than 1,000 consumer electronics stores in twelve countries. In addition to MediaMarkt and Saturn, the group owns Deutsche Technikberatung. 32.5% of its sales are generated online.

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추가 정보 및 연락처

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceconomy

Official Website https://www.mediamarkt.de/

이메일 muenster@mediamarkt.de

전화 +49 251 91950

좌표 51°55'58.25" N 7°37'56.512" E

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