Ministry of Sound

지역명Ministry of Sound
위치런던, 영국

Ministry of Sound or Ministry of Sound Group is a multimedia entertainment business based in London with a nightclub, shared workspace and private members' club, worldwide events operation, music publishing business and fitness studio.

James Palumbo is the co-founder and former chairman and CEO of the Group. He handed over the day-to-day running of the business to Lohan Presencer in 2008. In 2018, Presencer became chairman.

태그 나이트 클럽전자 댄스
다운로드 다운로드 더 보기
London: Harry Potter Movie Private Taxi Tour 최저가 582 USD
티켓 예약

개관 시간

Fri: 10:30 pm - 6 am (last entry: 4 am)
Sat: 11 pm - 7 am (last entry: 5 am)


Ticket prices vary. You can book tickets online in advance and save some money.

For more information please visit the official website.

추가 정보 및 연락처


Official Website




전화 +44 20 7740 8600

주소 103 Gaunt Street, London SE1 6DP, UK

좌표 51°29'51.963" N -0°5'58.185" E

투어 및 액티비티: Ministry of Sound

London: Harry Potter Movie Private Taxi Tour

모바일 바우처
즉시 확인
최저가 582 USD

트리포매틱 - 당신의 주머니 속 여행 가이드

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