Twickenham Stadium

위치Greater London, 영국

One of the largest stadiums in the world where you can watch rugby matches. It also serves as a concert venue.

태그 국립 경기장런던 패스럭비스포츠 장소경기장음악 장소스포츠 필드음악회잔디
다운로드 다운로드 더 보기
Program and tickets
티켓 예약

개관 시간

Tour Times:
Tue - Fri: 11 am, 1 pm, 3 pm
Sat: 10:30 am, noon 1:30 pm, 3 pm
Sunday: noon, 2 pm

Please check the official website for match and event days since the tours are not available then.


Stadium Tour:
Adult: £20
Students, Seniors 60+: £15
Child (5-15):£12

추가 정보 및 연락처


More information about tours


전화 +44 20 8892 8877

주소 Whitton Road Twickenham,TW2 7BA, UK

좌표 51°27'21.752" N -0°20'29.536" E

투어 및 액티비티: Twickenham Stadium

Program and tickets

The London Pass with Free Entry to 60 Attractions

London: Explorer Pass with Entry to 2 to 7 Attractions

최저가 88 USD

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