De Kerk van Bojana is een middeleeuwse kerk in Bulgarije, gelegen in de wijk Bojana aan de zuidrand van de hoofdstad Sofia.
Het Nationaal Archeologisch Museum is een archeologisch museum in het centrum van Sofia, de hoofdstad van Bulgarije.
Het Nationaal Historisch Museum Sofia is Bulgarijes grootste museum. Het werd opgericht op 5 mei 1973 en de eerste grote expositie was in…
The National Polytechnical Museum is a science museum located in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The Earth and Man National Museum is a mineralogical museum in the centre of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.
The National Museum of Natural History, or NMNHS, is a natural history museum in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia.
The Museum of Socialist Art in Sofia is a museum of art which covers the history of the communist era in Bulgaria.
The National Art Gallery is Bulgaria's national gallery, and houses over 50,000 pieces of Bulgarian art.
The National Gallery for Foreign Art of Bulgaria is a gallery located on St. Alexander Nevsky Square in Sofia.
The Museum of Socialist Art in Sofia is a museum of art which covers the history of the communist era in Bulgaria.