Deze straat is een van de duurste buurten in Tokio. De prijs van de huur hier is naar boven getrokken door de vestiging van vele luxewinkels…
Ondanks zijn naam heeft deze anderhalf kilometer-lange straat helemaal niets met katten te maken.
This huge building hides both a shopping mall and a huge arcade with games and dozens of special shops.
Sunshine City is a building complex located in East Ikebukuro, Toshima, Tokyo, Japan.
NTT Docomo Inc. is the predominant mobile phone operator in Japan. The name is officially an abbreviation of the phrase, "do communications…
NTT Docomo Inc. is the predominant mobile phone operator in Japan. The name is officially an abbreviation of the phrase, "do communications…
Lawson is na 7-Eleven de grootste winkelketen in gemakswinkels van Japan.
au, or au by KDDI, is a brand marketed by KDDI in the main islands of Japan and by Okinawa Cellular in Okinawa for their mobile cellular…
au, or au by KDDI, is a brand marketed by KDDI in the main islands of Japan and by Okinawa Cellular in Okinawa for their mobile cellular…