Cloud Gate is een werk van de Britse kunstenaar Anish Kapoor en is de blikvanger op het AT&T-plein in het Millennium Park in de Amerikaanse…
Agora is an installation of 106 headless and armless iron sculptures at the south end of Grant Park in Chicago.
Flamingo, created by noted American artist Alexander Calder, is a 53-foot-tall stabile located in the Federal Plaza in front of the…
The statue of Michael Jordan, also known as The Spirit, is a bronze sculpture by Omri Amrany and Julie Rotblatt-Amrany that has been…
The Chicago Picasso is an untitled monumental sculpture by Pablo Picasso in Daley Plaza in Chicago, Illinois.
Deze unieke fontein bevindt zich op het privéterrein van de kunstenaar en herinnert hondenbezitters eraan het afval dat na hun huisdieren…
America's Courtyard: A Symbolic Integration of the Americas is an outdoor stone sculpture by husband and wife Brazilian artists Ary Perez…