De Schwedagonpagode is de grootste tempel van Myanmar. Deze kegelvormige, 98 meter hoge, met 50.000 kilo bladgoud en vele duizenden kostbare…
The Sule Pagoda is a Burmese Buddhist stupa located in the heart of downtown Yangon, occupying the centre of the city and an important…
Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Bahan Township, Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar.
The Botataung Kyaik De Att Pagoda is a famous pagoda located in downtown Yangon, Myanmar, near the Yangon river.
Dit gouden paleis herbergt een traditioneel restaurant dat maaltijden uit Myanmar serveert.
Dhammayangyi Temple is a Buddhist temple located in Bagan, Myanmar. Largest of all the temples in Bagan, the Dhammayan as it is popularly…
The Shwezigon Pagoda or Shwezigon Paya is a Buddhist stupa located in Nyaung-U, Myanmar.
The Ananda Temple, located in Bagan, Myanmar is a Buddhist temple built in 1105 AD during the reign of King Kyansittha of the Pagan Dynasty.
The Shwesandaw Pagoda is a Buddhist pagoda located in Bagan, Myanmar. It is the tallest pagoda in Bagan, and contains a series of five…
The Thatbyinnyu Temple is a Theravadin Buddhist temple in Bagan, Myanmar.
De Laykyun Setkyar is het op twee na grootste standbeeld in de wereld met 116 meter hoogte.
Erebegraafplaats Thanbyuzayat is een van de drie rustplaatsen voor de slachtoffers van de Dodenspoorlijn, waaronder ook Nederlanders.