Deze ontwikkelde stad werd volledig bedolven onder 4 tot 6 meter vulkanische as.
The House of Loreius Tiburtinus is renowned for its meticulous and well-preserved artwork as well as its large gardens.
The Macellum of Pompeii was located on the Forum and as the provision market of Pompeii was one of the focal points of the ancient city.
Het huis van de Faun is een Romeinse domus in Pompeï. Het werd gebouwd in de 2e eeuw voor Christus en kreeg zijn naam door de vondst van een…
The House of the Surgeon is one of the most famous houses in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii and is named after ancient surgical…
Het Huis van de Vettii is een domus in de Romeinse stad Pompeii, die door de uitbarsting van de Vesuvius in 79 na Christus behouden bleef.
The Villa of the Mysteries is a well-preserved suburban ancient Roman villa on the outskirts of Pompeii, southern Italy.
The theatre area of Pompeii is located in the southwest region of the city.
The Villa of the Mysteries is a well-preserved suburban ancient Roman villa on the outskirts of Pompeii, southern Italy.
The House of the Silver Wedding is the name given to the archaeological remains of a Roman house in Pompeii, buried in the ash from the…