The Church of the Holy Trinity is an Anglican church located at Trinity Square in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
De Kerk van Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Onbevlekt is een rooms-katholiek kerkgebouw in de Canadese plaats Guelph, Ontario.
St. Paul's Basilica is the oldest Roman Catholic congregation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine is a prominent Ukrainian Catholic church in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
St. Andrew's Church is a historic Presbyterian church located at the corner of King Street West and Simcoe Street in the city's downtown…
St Patrick's Basilica is a Roman Catholic Church in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Christ Church Cathedral is the Anglican cathedral in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
St. Paul's-Eastern United Church is one of the oldest congregations in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The Cathedral Basilica of Christ the King is a Roman Catholic church in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church is a Catholic church in the Glebe neighbourhood of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
St. George's Cathedral in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, is the cathedral church of the Anglican Diocese of Ontario.