Koningin Victoria opende deze concertzaal in de jaren 1870. Sindsdien hebben hier veel bekende concerten plaatsgevonden, van rock- en…
Het London Coliseum, ook Coliseum Theatre genoemd, is een operagebouw in de Londense wijk Covent Garden.
A London hub of contemporary art, performances and theatre. Encompasses several huge venues on Southbank.
Het Royal Opera House, ook wel Covent Garden genoemd, in de Londense wijk Covent Garden behoort tot de toonaangevende operahuizen van de…
One of the largest stadiums in the world where you can watch rugby matches. It also serves as a concert venue.
The Britannia Music Hall in Trongate, Glasgow, Scotland is one of the oldest remaining music halls in Britain.
The Grand Opera House is a theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, designed by the most prolific theatre architect of the period, Frank…
The Eastbourne Bandstand is a bandstand on the seafront of the East Sussex coastal town of Eastbourne, with an attached colonnade and…