Taza Pir Mosque is a mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. Its construction began in 1905 and was finished by 1914.
De Vrijdagmoskee of Cüməmoskee is een moskee in Bakoe, de hoofdstad van Azerbeidzjan.
The Bibi-Heybat Mosque is a historical mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. The existing structure, built in the 1990s, is a recreation of the mosque…
Juma Mosque of Ganja or Friday Mosque of Ganja is a mosque located in the centre of Ganja, Azerbaijan.
The Alexander Nevsky Church is a Russian Orthodox church in Ganja, built in 1887.
De Kathedraal van Sjoesja of de Kathedraal van Christus de Verlosser is een Armeens-apostolische kerk in de stad Sjoesja van Nagorno…