De Hurva-synagoge in de Joodse wijk van de Oude Stad Jeruzalem is een Asjkenazische synagoge en was een van de belangrijkste synagogen van…
De Tiferet Jisrael-synagoge was een in 1871 voltooide synagoge in het Joodse kwartier in Jeruzalem.
The Monastery of Saint Mark the Evangelist and the Virgin Mary is a Syriac Orthodox monastery in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of…
The Church of Saint Mary of the Germans was a Catholic church, built in Romanesque style, now in ruins, located in the Old City of…
The Southern Wall is a wall at the southern end of the Temple Mount and the former southern side of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.
Yeshivat HaKotel is a religious Zionist Hesder yeshiva situated in the Old City of Jerusalem.
Porat Yosef Yeshiva is a Sephardic yeshiva in Jerusalem, with locations in both the Old City and the Geula neighborhood.