De Kathedraal van Mexico-Stad is de aartsbisschoppelijke kathedraal van Mexico-Stad en de grootste kathedraal van het Westelijk halfrond.
De Basiliek van Guadalupe is een basiliek, of eigenlijk twee basilieken, in de gemeente Gustavo A. Madero in Mexico-Stad.
The Nuestra Señora de Loreto Church in the historic center of Mexico City was the last major church constructed during the colonial period.
The Convent of San Francisco is located at the western end of Madero Street in the historic center of Mexico City, near the Torre…
The Mexico City Mexico Temple is the 28th constructed and 26th operating temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
De Basiliek van Guadalupe is een basiliek, of eigenlijk twee basilieken, in de gemeente Gustavo A. Madero in Mexico-Stad.
The Corpus Christi Church is a former church on Avenida Juárez in the Historic center of Mexico City.
La Enseñanza Church is located on 104 Donceles Street in the historic center of Mexico City.
The Santa Veracruz Monastery in the historic center of Mexico City is one of the oldest religious establishments in Mexico City and was the…