The Church of the Holy Trinity is an Anglican church located at Trinity Square in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
De Sint-Michaëlkathedraal is de kathedraal van het rooms-katholieke aartsbisdom Toronto, Canada en een van de oudste kerkgebouwen in de…
The Cathedral Church of St. James is an Anglican cathedral in Downtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada is a traditional Hindu place of worship that was built by the BAPS…
St. Paul's Basilica is the oldest Roman Catholic congregation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
De Hare Krishna-beweging is een beweging binnen het vaishnavisme en het hindoeïsme, die in 1966 werd gesticht te New York door A.C.
Congregation Habonim Toronto, founded in 1954, is a liberal reform synagogue located at 5 Glen Park Avenue in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and…
The First Christian Reformed Church of Toronto is a congregation of the Christian Reformed Church in North America in Toronto, Ontario,…
Wesley Mimico United Church is a church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located in the neighbourhood of Mimico in the former city of…
St. Leo's Roman Catholic Church is a Catholic church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Central United Church is a historic congregation of the United Church of Canada located in the community of Weston, now a neighbourhood of…
St. Clement of Ohrid in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is the first Macedonian Orthodox Church in Canada and one of the oldest in the Macedonian…