Deze vallei, gelegen tussen de dorpen Goreme en Avanos, heeft enkele van de meest verbazingwekkende sprookjesachtige schoorstenen die in de…
This castle carved into rock is located at the highest point in Cappadocia. Walk through its rooms and admire the views.
Göreme is a district of the Nevşehir Province in Turkey. After the eruption of Mount Erciyes about 2.6 million years ago, ash and lava…
This valley boasts small fairy chimneys that form a lunar landscape. In addition to that, there are rocks that are shaped like animals.
Deze grotstad is waar christenen en moslims ooit samen leefden. Het werd verlaten in de jaren 1950, toen het leven in de grotten te…
A monumental landmark of the city is a mausoleum of Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Turkish republic. One of the most important modern sights.
De Kocatepe-moskee is de grootste moskee in de Turkse hoofdstad Ankara. Zij werd gebouwd tussen 1967 en 1987 in de wijk Kocatepe.
This is the largest salt lake in Turkey and the majority of produced salt comes from here. A popular birdwatching area.
Ankara Castle is a historic fortification in the city of Ankara, Turkey, constructed in or after the 7th century.
Çatalhöyük, vroeger Çatal Hüyük, was een belangrijke neolithische en chalcolithische nederzetting in het zuiden van Centraal-Anatolië.
Het Museum van de Anatolische beschavingen of Museum van de Anatolische culturen/Archeologisch museum in de Turkse hoofdstad Ankara is…
The Ethnography Museum of Ankara is dedicated to the cultures of Turkic civilizations.
The Mevlâna Museum, in Konya, Turkey, started life as the dervish lodge of the Mevlevi order, better known as the whirling dervishes.
Het Tuz Gölü is een zoutmeer en het op een na grootste meer van Turkije. De aangrenzende provincies zijn Ankara, Konya en Aksaray.
De Grote Moskee van Divrigi is een met ornamenten versierde moskee in de Turkse stad Divriği, die gebouwd is rond 1229.
An Islamic religious school from 13th century now serves as a museum. Pop in if you're interested in Ottoman and Seljuk artefacts.
Sazova Park, officially Sazova Science, Culture and Art Park, is a park in Eskişehir, Turkey.
The Haji Bektash Veli complex is an Alevi Islamic Cultural Monument of the Republic of Turkey, located in Hacıbektaş, Nevşehir province.
Stroll through the streets of this district of Eskişehir to inspect the only remaining traditional wooden houses.
Yazılı, Phrygian Yazılıkaya, or Midas Kenti is a neighbourhood of the municipality and district of Alpu, Eskişehir Province, Turkey.
This rock sanctuary was consecrated to Cybele and some of its peculiar carvings have preserved until today.