Uaxactun is an ancient sacred place of the Maya civilization, located in the Petén Basin region of the Maya lowlands, in the present-day…
Tayasal was de hoofdstad van de Itza - Maya, de laatste staat van de Maya die in handen van de Spanjaarden viel in 1697.
De Piramide van de Grote Jaguar of Tempel I van Tikal is een van de grootste bouwwerken in de voormalige Mayastad Tikal.
Tikal Temple II is a Mesoamerican pyramid at the Maya archaeological site of Tikal in the Petén Department of northern Guatemala.
Holtun, originally named La Máquina, is a Maya archaeological site located in the Petén Department of northern Guatemala on the road to…
Tikal Temple III, also known as the Temple of the Jaguar Priest, was one of the principal temple pyramids at the ancient Maya city of Tikal…