De Ruínas de São Paulo zijn de overblijfselen van de katholieke kathedraal in Macau die gewijd was aan de heilige Paulus en Moeder Gods en…
Het Historische centrum van Macau staat sinds 2005 op de werelderfgoedlijst van UNESCO.
De Macau Tower is het hoogste gebouw van de Chinese stad Macau. De toren werd gebouwd in opdracht van de Macause miljardair en…
The Venetian Macao is een hotel en casino gelegen op de Cotai Strip in Macau, gemodelleerd naar The Venetian in Las Vegas.
Amazing depiction of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy dominates the shore. It is also often said to evoke Virgin Mary.
De A-Ma tempel is een taoïstische tempel in Macau, in het zuidwesten van het schiereiland Macau.
The Guia Fortress is a 17th-century colonial military fort, chapel, and lighthouse complex in São Lázaro, Macau.
This is your chance to see the lovely animals in action - they have a huge outdoor yard and often play together there.
The Macau Fisherman's Wharf is a themed entertainment, retail and hotel complex and former amusement park in Sé, Macau, China.
Casino Lisboa is a hotel casino in Sé, Macau, China. The casino is owned by the Sociedade de Turismo e Diversões de Macau, a Stanley Ho…
The Fortaleza do Monte is a fort in Santo António in Macau. It is the historical military centre of Macau.
Galaxy Macau is a casino resort located in Cotai, Macau, SAR of People's Republic of China. Construction on the Cotai project began in 2002.
De Cotai Strip project in Macau is vergelijkbaar met de Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas.
Rua do Cunha is a narrow pedestrian street in Vila da Taipa, the town centre of Taipa, Macau.
The House of Dancing Water was a water-based stage production written and directed by Franco Dragone.
The Parisian Macao is a casino resort on the Cotai Strip in Cotai, Macau, China owned by Las Vegas Sands, which features a half-scale…
Het Macau Wetenschapscentrum is een centrum ontworpen in 2001 en voltooid in 2009 en bevindt zich op het schiereiland Macau in Macau in de…
The Penha Hill is a hill in São Lourenço, Macau, China.
Sands Macao is a hotel and casino resort located in Sé, Macau, SAR - China.
Chapel of St. Francis Xavier is a church located on the island of Coloane, Macau.
Coloane is een van de twee eilanden in de Speciale Bestuurlijke Regio Macau.