De Hermitage in Sint-Petersburg is een van de grootste en omvangrijkste kunst- en cultuurhistorische musea in de wereld.
De Kerk van de Verlosser op het Bloed is een Russisch-Orthodoxe Kerk in Sint-Petersburg, gelegen aan het Gribojedovkanaal.
The General Staff Building is an edifice with a 580 m long bow-shaped facade, situated on Palace Square in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in…
The Anichkov Bridge is the oldest and most famous bridge across the Fontanka River in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Het Winterpaleis is een paleis in Sint-Petersburg, gelegen aan de oever van de rivier de Neva.
The Summer Garden is a historic public garden that occupies an eponymous island between the Neva, Fontanka, Moika, and the Swan Canal in
Het Marmerpaleis is een van de eerste neoclassicistische paleizen in de Russische stad Sint-Petersburg.
Het Paleisplein is een plein in Sint-Petersburg dat de Nevski Prospekt met de Paleisbrug, die leidt naar het Vasilevski-eiland, verbindt.
Het Russisch Museum of Russisch Staatsmuseum is een museum in de Russische stad Sint-Petersburg.
Het Michailovski-kasteel is een voormalige residentie in het centrum van Sint-Petersburg, Rusland.
Elisseeff Emporium in St. Petersburg is a large retail and entertainment complex, including a famous food hall, constructed in 1902–1903 for…
The Mikhailovsky Garden is a large area of parkland and landscape garden in the centre of Saint Petersburg.
The Fabergé Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia is a privately owned museum which was established by Viktor Vekselberg and his Link of Times…
The Mikhailovsky Palace is a grand ducal palace in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Singer House, also widely known as the House of the Book, is a building in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The gardens of the Winter Palace, St Petersburg, are little known, as the great imperial palace of the Romanovs was never intended to have…
The Catholic Church of St Catherine in St. Petersburg is the oldest Catholic church in the Russian Federation, and the only church with the…
The Pevchesky Bridge, also known as the Choristers' Bridge or Yellow Bridge, is a single-span bridge across the Moika River in Saint…
Winter Canal is a canal in Saint Petersburg, Russia, connecting Bolshaya Neva with Moika River in the vicinity of Winter Palace.
The Russian Museum of Ethnography is a museum in St. Petersburg that houses a collection of about 500,000 items relating to the ethnography,…