Alamoet was een kasteel in de droge bergen van de Iraanse Elboers ten zuiden van de Kaspische Zee.
Lambsar, Lamasar, Lambasar, Lambesar or Lomasar was probably the largest and the most fortified of the Ismaili castles.
De Vrijdagmoskee van Qazvin is een van de oudste moskeeën in Iran, en is de grote moskee van Qazvin, in de provincie Qazvin.
Ovan lake is a small alpine lake in the Alamut region of the Alborz mountain range, in Qazvin province of Iran.
The Imamzadeh Hossein is the grave mosque of a son of the 8th Imam Ali al-Ridha in Qazvin, Iran that the Safavids - Shah Tahmasp I built in…
Aminiha Hosseiniyeh is a historic hosseiniyeh in the Akhund neighbourhood of Qazvin, Iran.