Sobór świętego Izaaka Dalmatyńskiego – największa prawosławna świątynia w Petersburgu oraz druga co do wielkości w Rosji, wybudowana z…
Pałac Jusupowów nad Mojką – rezydencja w Petersburgu, jedna z siedzib rodziny Jusupowów w dawnej stolicy Rosji, wzniesiona w latach…
Central Naval Museum is a naval museum in St Petersburg, Russia. It is one of the first museums in Russia and one of the world’s largest…
Visit a rare museum, completely devoted to vodka which is a significant feature of Russian culture. Come here and discover vodka's origin.
Nabokov House is a house in Saint Petersburg with the modern street number of 47 Great Morskaya Street, 190000.
The State Museum of the History of Saint Petersburg is a museum of the history of the city of Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications is a museum of science and technology founded in 1872.