Atakama – pustynia mglista w Ameryce Południowej. Należy do najsuchszych obszarów na świecie.
Declared a national monument in 1974, the ruins of the silver foundation are located right next to the Museum of the Atacama Desert.
The St. Joseph's Cathedral also called Antofagasta Cathedral It is a religious building of the Catholic Church located in the city of…
The Mano del Desierto is a large-scale sculpture of a hand located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, about 60 km to the south and east of the…
Obserwatorium Paranal – obserwatorium astronomiczne położone w chilijskich Andach na wysokości 2635 m n.p.m. na górze Cerro Paranal, około…
Telethon − ogólnoświatowa akcja charytatywna, której inicjatorem był Jerry Lewis.
VISTA – teleskop optyczny o średnicy zwierciadła 4,1 m, umieszczony na zboczu góry Cerro Paranal w Chile na wysokości 2518 m n.p.m.
The Next-Generation Transit Survey is a ground-based robotic search for exoplanets.
The University of Antofagasta is a public research university located in Antofagasta, Chile.
The Chilean Safety Association is a Chilean private non-profit organization, focused in development of risk prevention programs, and…
VISTA – teleskop optyczny o średnicy zwierciadła 4,1 m, umieszczony na zboczu góry Cerro Paranal w Chile na wysokości 2518 m n.p.m.
There are many sights surrounding the main square. The Clock Tower, which is similiar to Big Ben, was a gift from the local English colony.
St. Aloysius College is a private Catholic primary and secondary school, located in Antofagasta, Antofagasta Province, Chile.