Het Steen – średniowieczny zamek w Antwerpii. Wybudowany w latach 1200–1225, jest najstarszym budynkiem w mieście.
Dom Rubensa – były dom i pracownia niderlandzkiego malarza Petera Paula Rubensa w Antwerpii; obecnie muzeum sztuki.
Muzeum Plantin-Moretus – muzeum poświęcone działalności drukarskiej Christophe'a Plantina i Jana Moretusa w Antwerpii.
The Museum aan de Stroom is a museum located along the river Scheldt in the Eilandje district of Antwerp, Belgium.
The Vleeshuis in Antwerp, Belgium, is a former guildhall. It is now a museum located between the Drie Hespenstraat, the Repenstraat and the…
The Museum of Contemporary Art in Antwerp is the contemporary art museum of the city of Antwerp, Belgium.
Fotomuseum Antwerp, also known as FOMU, is a museum of photography in Antwerp, Belgium.