Lazurowa Grota – jaskinia morska, jedna z atrakcji turystycznych włoskiej wyspy Capri.
Monte Solaro is a mountain on the island of Capri in Campania, Italy. With an elevation of 589 m, its peak is the highest point of Capri.
The Arco Naturale is a natural arch on the east coast of the island of Capri.
Aragonese Castle is a castle built on a small tidal island east of Ischia, at the northern end of the Gulf of Naples, Italy.
The Gardens of Augustus, originally known by the name of Krupp Gardens, are botanical gardens on the island of Capri, Campania, Italy.
Punta Carena Lighthouse is an active lighthouse, located on the island of Capri on the head of the same name, about 3 kilometres southwest…
Willa Jovis – jedna z dwunastu willi cesarza Tyberiusza zbudowanych na Capri.
San Michele Arcangelo is the Italian name for Michael, an archangel in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The Villa San Michele was built about the end of the 19th century on the isle of Capri, Italy, by the Swedish physician and author Axel…
The Grotta di Matromania is a large, natural cave on the east coast of the island of Capri, Italy. It is located near the Arco Naturale.
Santo Stefano is a Catholic church and former cathedral on the island of Capri, Italy.
Mount Epomeo is the highest mountain on the volcanic island of Ischia, in the Gulf of Naples, Italy.
Surrounded by a luxuriant vegetation and by a beautiful private park of 15000 m², Hotel Grazia Terme offers views of Epomeo Mountain and…