Mehrgarh – neolityczna osada miejska zaliczana do cywilizacji doliny Indusu, znajdująca się na płaskowyżu Kacchi w dzisiejszym…
Grafika – jeden z podstawowych obok malarstwa i rzeźby działów sztuk plastycznych.
Hinglaj Mata, also known as Hinglaj Devi, Hingula Devi and Nani Mandir, is a Hindu temple in Hinglaj, a town on the Makran coast in the…
Hinglaj Mata, also known as Hinglaj Devi, Hingula Devi and Nani Mandir, is a Hindu temple in Hinglaj, a town on the Makran coast in the…
Gorakh Hill is a hill station of Sindh, Pakistan. It is situated at an elevation of 5,689 ft in the Kirthar Mountains, 94 kilometres…
Quaid-e-Azam Residency, also known as Ziarat Residency, is located in Ziarat, Balochistan, Pakistan.
Koh-i-Sultan is a volcano in Balochistan, Pakistan. It is part of the tectonic belt formed by the collision of India and Asia: specifically,…