A monumental landmark of the city is a mausoleum of Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Turkish republic. One of the most important modern sights.
Meczet Kocatepe – największy meczet w Ankarze, położony w dzielnicy Kızılay. Wzniesiony w latach 1967–1987.
The Temple of Augustus and Rome is an augusteum located in the Altındağ district of Ankara. It is thought to have been built around 25–20 AD.
Atakule, to 125 metrowa wieża widokowa w dzielnicy Çankaya, w stolicy Turcji Ankarze.
The Çankaya Mansion is the official residence of the vice president of Turkey and previously the official residence of the president of…
METU Science and Technology Museum is a museum established within the campus of the Middle East Technical University, Ankara,
An upbeat museum one would probably not expect in Ankara. Located in a former train depot, it puts up extensive exhibitions of modern and…
Ankara – miasto w środkowej Turcji, będące jej stolicą od 1923 roku. Jest po Stambule drugim co do wielkości miastem Turcji.
Middle East Technical University is a public technical university located in Ankara, Turkey.
In Turkey, the Directorate of Religious Affairs is an official state institution established in 1924 under article 136 of the Constitution…