The Hagia Sophia is a church located in Thessaloniki, Greece. With its current structure dating from the 7th century, it is one of the…
The Walls of Thessaloniki are the 4 kilometer-long city walls surrounding the city of Thessaloniki during the Middle Ages and until the…
Bazylika Świętego Dymitra – prawosławna cerkiew w Salonikach, w jurysdykcji metropolii Salonik Greckiego Kościoła Prawosławnego.
The Church of Panagia Chalkeon is an 11th-century Byzantine church in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki.
Wergina – wieś i stanowisko archeologiczne w północno-wschodniej Grecji, na północ od Olimpu, w pobliżu miasta Weria.
The Church of Saint Nicholas Orphanos is an early 14th-century Byzantine church in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki.