The Jagdschloss Grunewald, a hunting lodge, is the oldest preserved castle of Berlin, Germany.
Brücke-Museum jest poświęcone działalności istniejącej w latach 1905–1913 drezdeńskiej grupy artystycznej „Die Brücke” skupiającej malarzy…
The Harnack House in the Dahlem district of Berlin, Germany was opened in 1929 as a centre for German scientific and intellectual life.
The Allied Museum is a museum in Berlin. It documents the political history and the military commitments and roles of the Western Allies in…
The Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society is a science research institute located at the heart of the academic district of Dahlem…
The Philological Library is a component of the "Rust and Silver Lodges" complex in the main campus of the Freie Universität Berlin.
The Dahlem Cemetery, is a cemetery in Berlin-Dahlem. The cemetery was built according to the plans of the architects Friedrich and Wilhelm…