One of the first city areas that was named a UNESCO heritage. History comes alive in the old neighbourhoods - do not miss!
The Basilica of the National Vow is a Roman Catholic church located in the historic center of Quito, Ecuador.
El Panecillo is a 200-metre-high hill of volcanic-origin, with loess soil, located between southern and central Quito.
The Basilica and Convent of San Francisco, commonly known as el San Francisco, is a Catholic basilica that stands in the middle of the…
These gardens represent a number of ecosystems and the plants within them. Do not miss this hidden gem displaying the diversity of Ecuador.
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, commonly referred to as the New Cathedral of Cuenca, is the cathedral church in Cuenca, Ecuador.
Quilotoa is a water-filled crater lake and the most western volcano in the Ecuadorian Andes.
This craft market is probably the largest of its kind in the northern Ecuador. Buy some original hand-made souvenirs here!
Park Narodowy Galapagos – park narodowy utworzony 4 lipca 1959 roku na terenie należącego do Ekwadoru archipelagu Galapagos na Oceanie…
Cuicocha is a 3 km wide caldera and crater lake at the foot of Cotacachi Volcano in the Cordillera Occidental of the Ecuadorian Andes.
Ingapirca is a town in Cañar Province, Ecuador, and the name of the older Inca ruins and archeological site nearby.
Port lotniczy Guayaquil – międzynarodowy port lotniczy położony 5 km na północ od Guayaquil.
Santa Ana Hill is a tourist attraction in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
San Cristóbal – wyspa w archipelagu Galapagos. Jest ona piąta pod względem powierzchni, znajduje się najdalej na wschód w archipelagu.
Cayambe – wulkan w Andach Ekwadoru. Leży ok. 70 km na północny wschód od Quito na terenie Parku Narodowego Cayambe-Coca.
Cayambe – wulkan w Andach Ekwadoru. Leży ok. 70 km na północny wschód od Quito. To trzeci szczyt Ekwadoru.
Rábida – wyspa w archipelagu Galapagos, należącym do Ekwadoru.
Imbabura is an inactive stratovolcano in northern Ecuador. Although it has not erupted for about 7,500 years, it is not thought to be…
El Junco Lagoon is a lake in the highlands of San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos Islands.
The Charles Darwin Foundation was founded in 1959, under the auspices of UNESCO and the World Conservation Union.
Ecuador Highway 15 is the main coastal trunk highway of mainland Ecuador.