The Beach of La Concha is a crescent shaped urban seaboard of the city of San Sebastián located at the Bay of La Concha in the Basque…
El peine del viento – zbiór rzeźb baskijskiego artysty Eduarda Chillidy.
Monte Urgull – wzgórze w San Sebastián w północnej Hiszpanii. Wznosi się na niedużym cyplu wysuniętym w stronę Zatoki Biskajskiej.
Majestic neo-Gothic cathedral embellished with Filippino shells and beautiful stained-glass windows. Landmark of the city.
The Basilica of Saint Mary of Coro is a baroque Roman Catholic parish church and minor basilica completed in 1774.
Fortified township which importance reaches to the Roman times. Visit its impressive walls and cramped old streets.
Sanktuarium Loyola – sanktuarium katolickie, znajdujące się nad rzeką Urola w sąsiedztwie Loyola miejscowości Azpeitia w prowincji Gipuzkoa…
A system of limestone caves. Marvel at the flowstones and stalagmites of fantastic shapes and admire its complexity.
The University of Oñati, the official name being the University of the Holy Spirit, was a University founded in 1540 and located in the…