Złoty Dach – późnogotycki wykusz z pozłaconym dachem pałacu Neuer Hof z XV wieku w Innsbrucku w Austrii, jeden z symboli miasta.
The 15th century tower is a perfect vantage point for overlooking Innsbruck and its charming mountain panorama.
Katedra św. Jakuba w Innsbrucku - główna świątynia diecezji Innsbruck w Austrii.
The Hofkirche is a Gothic church located in the Altstadt section of Innsbruck, Austria.
St. Anne's Column stands in the city centre of Innsbruck on Maria-Theresien-Straße.It was given its name when, in 1703, the last Bavarian…
Innsbruck Hauptbahnhof – główny dworzec kolejowy w Innsbrucku, położony na wschód od centrum miasta.
The Tyrolean State Museum, also known as the Ferdinandeum after Archduke Ferdinand, is located in Innsbruck, Austria.
Helbling House is a building located in the Old Town section of Innsbruck, Austria, across from the Golden Roof at Herzog-Friedrich-Strasse…
The Nordkette Cable Car in the Austrian state of Tyrol is a gondola lift from Innsbruck to the Nordkette, the southernmost mountain chain…
Come to the city market to buy local produce, exotic fruit and spices, artisan products and flowers.
Pałac Hofburg w Innsbrucku – pałac cesarski z XV wieku w Innsbrucku w Austrii; dawna rezydencja Habsburgów; jedna z głównych historycznych…
The remarkable facade of this building will catch your eye. The interior is also interesting, with a notable stairway and painted ceilings.
The Hofgarten is a protected park located on the edge of the Altstadt section of Innsbruck, Austria.
This one-of-a-kind science center is totally fascinating. Its interactive exhibitions are focused on hearing and sounds.
The Nordkette Cable Car in the Austrian state of Tyrol is a gondola lift from Innsbruck to the Nordkette, the southernmost mountain chain…
Upscale shopping mall which features high-end fashion brands as well as smaller boutiques. There are a few eateries, too.
This fountain was built in honor of the Archduke of Austria Leopold V between 1622 and 1630. It features Greek mythological gods.
Pałac Hofburg w Innsbrucku – pałac cesarski z XV wieku w Innsbrucku w Austrii; dawna rezydencja Habsburgów; jedna z głównych historycznych…
The Tyrolean State Theatre in Innsbruck is the state theatre in Innsbruck, Austria, located near the historic Altstadt section of the city.
The Tyrolean Folk Art Museum is considered one of the finest regional heritage museums in Europe.
The largest shopping center in Innsbruck boasts more than 70 shops and restaurants. Many fashion shows and events are held here.