Uniwersytet Jánosa Selyego w Komárnie – publiczna szkoła wyższa na Słowacji, z węgierskim językiem wykładowym, założona 23 października…
The Museum of Danube in Komárno is a cultural and natural history museum in Komárno, Slovakia.
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…
Fort Monostor is a fort is situated close to the city of Komárom, Hungary. It was built between 1850 and 1871.
Komárno - Komárom fortification system is a system of forts, bastions, and fortifications in and around the towns of Komárno and Komárom on…