Katedra w Palermo - kompleks architektoniczny w Palermo, na Sycylii, we Włoszech.
Palazzo dei Normanni – pałac w Palermo, we Włoszech. Był siedzibą królów Sycylii.
The traditional market of Palermo offers fresh fish and produce from Sicily. Packed with tourists but locals still shop there.
Casa Professa, kościół Jezuitów w Palermo – rzymskokatolicki kościół w Palermo, w archidiecezji Palermo.
Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele – teatr operowy w Palermo na Sycylii.
Piazza Pretoria is at the limits of the district of Kalsa, near the corner of Cassaro with Via Maqueda, just a few meters from the Quattro…
Zisa – zamek w zachodniej części Palermo na Sycylii, w południowych Włoszech.
Katakumby Kapucynów w Palermo – katakumby pod klasztorem Kapucynów w Palermo na Sycylii.
Quattro Canti, oficjalnie Piazza Vigliena – plac w Palermo, zbudowany w stylu barokowym w latach 1618–1620, położony w obrębie…
Katedra w Cefalù – katedra w Cefalù na Sycylii zbudowana w latach 1131–1240 i poświęcona w roku 1267.
Kościół Santa Maria dell’Ammiraglio, znany również jako La Martorana – zabytkowy kościół w Palermo, konkatedra eparchii Piana degli…
The challenging hike will reward you with the stunning ruins of an ancient castle and a wonderful view of the town below.
The Royal Palace of Ficuzza, also named Reggia or Real Casina di Caccia of Ficuzza is located near the town of Corleone, located some 45…
The Madonie Regional Natural Park is an Italian regional park located in Sicily, between Palermo and Cefalù and covers 39,972 acres.
The Temple of Victory is a Greek temple of the ancient city of Himera in Magna Graecia located in the archaeological area of Termini…
The Sanctuary of Gibilmanna is a Christian shrine in the province of Palermo, Sicily, southern Italy.
A charming little museum with a fascinating collection of Arabic and Greek ceramics, as well as a broad exhibiton of paintings, old coins…
Éntella, was an ancient city in the interior of Sicily, situated on the left bank of the river Hypsas, and nearly midway between the two…
Ietas, was an ancient town of the interior of Sicily, in the northwest of the island, not very far from Panormus, in the modern comune of…
Featuring an outdoor swimming pool and garden, Baglio degli Ulivi offers rooms a 5-minute drive from Bolognetta.
Himera – kolonia Zankle na północy Sycylii. Założona w roku 649 p.n.e. ze względu na otaczające je żyzne ziemie.