Pałac Jusupowa, Pałac Jusupowów – pałac w Koreizie, w pobliżu Jałty, przebudowany w stylu neomauretańskim na polecenie księcia Feliksa…
Count Nikolay Semyonovich Mordvinov was a Russian political thinkers of Alexander I's reign.
Sochi Autodrom (dawniej: Sochi International Street Circuit lub Sochi Olympic Park Circuit – 5,872 kilometrowy tor uliczny Formuły 1 w…
Rostov State Musical Theater is one of the biggest musical theaters in Southern Russia.
Sobór Wniebowstąpienia Pańskiego – prawosławny sobór w Nowoczerkasku, katedra eparchii rostowskiej i nowoczerkaskiej, katedra polowa…
This is Sochi's branch of the world's first Olympic university aiming to provide outstanding education on the field of sport.
The Azov Museum of History, Archaeology and Palaeontology in Azov, Rostov oblast, is a museum reserve in Russia.
The Bell of Chersonesos, located close to the ruins of Chersonesos Taurica, Crimea, is the symbol of Chersonesos and one of the main sights…
Tawrijski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Władimira Wiernadskiego – ukraińska szkoła wyższa w Symferopolu na Ukrainie, największy uniwersytet na…
Przełęcz Laspijska – przełęcz znajdująca się w Górach Krymskich, najwyższy punkt drogi Sewastopol – Jałta.
Kuban State Medical University is a medical school in Russia. It is located in Krasnodar, the capital of Krasnodar Krai in South Russia.
The Gayrabetov Mansion is a building in Rostov-on-Don, located on Liberty Square. The house was built in 1880.
Saint Hripsime Church, is a working Armenian church located in Yalta on the Crimean peninsula, Ukraine and completed in 1917.
The Powder Cellar Museum is a museum in the city of Azov, Rostov Oblast, Russia.
Yalta Hotel Complex is a hotel in Yalta, set in Massandra park on the Black Sea coast. It is one of the major tourist centers in Crimea.