Schloss Wilhelmshöhe is a Neoclassical palace located in Bad Wilhelmshöhe, a part of Kassel, Germany.
The Hercules monument is an important landmark in the German city of Kassel.
Park Wilhelmshöhe w Kassel – park krajobrazowy w Niemczech otaczający pałac Wilhelmshöhe, założony w 1696 roku z inicjatywy Karola I…
Katedra Świętego Zbawiciela i św. Sebastiana w Fuldzie - siedziba biskupa diecezji fuldzkiej.
The Sababurg, first called the Zappenburg, then Zapfenburg and today, after the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Sleeping Beauty Castle, is the…
Edersee, Ederstausee – jezioro zaporowe na rzece Eder w powiecie Waldeck-Frankenberg w Niemczech.
The Neue Galerie is an art museum in Kassel in the state of Hesse, in Germany.
Wasserkuppe – szczyt w paśmie Rhön. Wysokość 950 m n.p.m. Najwyższy szczyt kraju związkowego Hesja.
Hans Paasche was a German politician and pacifist. He was the son of the Reichstag vice president Hermann Paasche and Lisi Paasche, and was…
Arolsen Castle is a baroque-style schloss in Bad Arolsen, Hesse, Germany.
Ludwigstein Castle is a 15th-century castle overlooking the river Werra and surrounded by woodland.
Spangenberg Castle is a schloss above the small German town of Spangenberg in the North Hesse county of Schwalm-Eder-Kreis.
Heiligenburg Castle is a castle on the hill of Heiligenberg in the district of Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, Hesse, Germany.
Uniwersytet w Kassel – uczelnia w Kassel, w Hesji, założona w 1971 jako Gesamthochschule Kassel.
Uniwersytet w Kassel – uczelnia w Kassel, w Hesji, założona w 1971 jako Gesamthochschule Kassel.
Ebersburg Castle is a ruined hill castle in Ebersberg in the parish of Ebersburg in the county of Fulda in East Hesse, Germany.
Auersburg Castle is a ruined hill castle in parish of Hilders in the county of Fulda in Hesse, Germany.
Heiligenburg Castle is a castle on the hill of Heiligenberg in the district of Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, Hesse, Germany.
Built to look as a ruin, the Neo-Gothic castle was unfortunately actually ruined in World War II.
Grujecznik – rodzaj roślin należący do monotypowej rodziny grujecznikowatych.
The Fridericianum is a museum in Kassel, Germany. Built in 1779, it is one of the oldest public museums in Europe.