Mole Antonelliana – budynek użyteczności publicznej w Turynie, architektoniczny symbol tego miasta, zbudowany w latach 1863–1889 według…
Palazzo Madama e Casaforte degli Acaja is a palace in Turin, Piedmont.
Museo delle Antichità Egizie – muzeum w Turynie we Włoszech, gromadzące eksponaty związane ze starożytnym Egiptem.
Palazzo Carignano is a historical building in the centre of Turin, Italy, which houses the Museum of the Risorgimento.
The Museo Nazionale dell'Automobile di Torino, known as MAUTO, is an automobile museum in Turin, Italy, founded by Carlo Biscaretti di…
Museo Nazionale del Cinema – muzeum kinematografii w Turynie, otwarte 27 września 1958 roku w oparciu o zbiór dokumentów związanych z…
The Juventus Museum, called the J-Museum, is a sports museum dedicated to the most decorated football club in Italy, Juventus F.C.
The Royal Armoury of Turin is one of the world's most important collections of arms and armour, formed in Turin by the Savoy family.
Galleria Sabauda – jedna z najbogatszych w dzieła sztuki pinakotek we Włoszech.
As the name suggests, this museum is dedicated to the Fiat company. It presents cars, airplanes, bicycles, and many more.
The Accorsi–Ometto Museum is a private museum based in Turin, northern Italy.