Dwa niesamowite pawilony i dwa urocze stawy są dominantami tego bujnego ogrodu. Sosny, śliwki i bambusy tworzą tutaj egzotyczną atmosferę.
Uniwersytet Johanna Wolfganga Goethego we Frankfurcie, skrótowo Uniwersytet we Frankfurcie nad Menem, Uniwersytet Frankfurcki – niemiecki…
The IG Farben Building – also known as the Poelzig Building and the Abrams Building, formerly informally called The Pentagon of Europe – is…
The IG Farben Building – also known as the Poelzig Building and the Abrams Building, formerly informally called The Pentagon of Europe – is…
The Anne Frank Educational Centre was founded in 1997 and is located in the neighbourhood of Dornbusch, Frankfurt am Main in Germany where…