Szwedagon – świątynia buddyjska w Rangunie, byłej stolicy Mjanmy. Wierzy się, iż została wybudowana 2500 lat temu na zlecenie króla Okkalapy.
The Chinatown of Yangon or so called Tayoke Tan lies west of the Sule Pagoda which is located in the centre of Downtown Yangon. 19th Street…
The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is the de jure national-level bicameral legislature of Myanmar established by the 2008 National Constitution.
Pagoda Sule – buddyjska stupa w Rangunie, dawnej stolicy Mjanmy.
Inya Lake is the largest lake in Yangon, Burma, a popular recreational area for Yangonites, and a famous location for romance in popular…
Chaukhtatgyi Buddha Temple is the most well-known Buddhist temple in Bahan Township, Yangon, Yangon Region, Myanmar.
Pagoda Botahtaung – pagoda położona w dzielnicy Botahtaung w Rangunie nad brzegiem rzeki Yangon.
Ten złoty pałac mieści tradycyjną restaurację serwującą posiłki z Myanmarese. Przyjdź tutaj zarówno po jedzenie, jak i urządzone wnętrze.
Bogyoke Aung San Market is a major bazaar located in Pabedan township in central Yangon, Myanmar.
The National Museum of Myanmar,, located in Dagon, Yangon, is the major one of the two national museums for Burmese art, history and…
Synagoga Musmea Jeszua w Rangunie – synagoga znajdująca się w Rangunie, dawnej stolicy Mjanmy.
Ta pagoda, usytuowana na wzgórzu Dhammarakkhita z schodami prowadzącymi do niej, kryje posąg Buddy podany przez króla i królową Nepalu.
54 University Avenue is a house in Bahan Township, Yangon. It is the residence of Aung San Suu Kyi, a Burmese politician and former State…
The Thuwunna Youth Training Center Stadium, simply known as the Thuwunna Stadium, is a multi-purpose stadium located in Yangon, Myanmar.
Uniwersytet Ranguński, Uniwersytet w Rangunie – birmański uniwersytet w Rangunie, założony w 1878. Jest to najstarszy uniwersytet w Birmie.
Kaba Aye Pagoda, formally Thiri Mingala Gaba Aye Zedidaw, သီရိမင်္ဂလာကမ္ဘာအေးစေတီတော်), is a Buddhist pagoda located on Kaba Aye Road,…
Inya Lake is the largest lake in Yangon, Burma, a popular recreational area for Yangonites, and a famous location for romance in popular…
Kaba Aye Pagoda, formally Thiri Mingala Gaba Aye Zedidaw, သီရိမင်္ဂလာကမ္ဘာအေးစေတီတော်), is a Buddhist pagoda located on Kaba Aye Road,…
Yangon Technological University, located in Insein, Yangon, Myanmar. It is the premier engineering university of Myanmar.
The Yangon University of Economics is the finest university of economics and business in Myanmar.
Dagon University, located in North Dagon, Yangon, is one of the largest universities in Myanmar.