O Arg-e Bam foi o maior edifício de adobe do mundo, localizado em Bam, cidade da província de Carmânia, no sudeste do Irã.
The Naryn Castle or Narin Castle is a mud-brick fort or castle in the town of Meybod, Iran.
O Complexo Palaciano de Niavarão é constituído por um conjunto de palácios situados no interior de um parque de onze hectares.
The Arg of Karim Khan or Karim Khan Citadel, is a citadel located in downtown Shiraz, Iran.
Alamute, significa Ninho da águia), foi uma fortaleza situada na Cordilheira Elbruz, ao sul do Mar Cáspio no Irão.
The Palace of Ardashir Pāpakan, also known as the Atash-kadeh آتشکده, is a castle located on the slopes of the mountain on which Dezh…
Rudkhan Castle; also Roodkhan Castle, is a brick and stone medieval fortress in Iran that was built by the Gilaks to defend against the…
Falak-ol-Aflak or Shapur Khast Castle is a castle situated on the top of a large hill with the same name within the city of Khorramabad,…
Rayen Castle is an adobe castle 100 Kilometers south of Kerman province, Iran. It is situated on the skirts of the mountain Hezar.
Lambsar, Lamasar, Lambasar, Lambesar or Lomasar was probably the largest and the most fortified of the Ismaili castles.
The Jalali Castle is located in Kashan, Iran.
Shush Castle is located in the ruins of the ancient city of Susa in the Khuzestan Province of Iran.
Zahhak Castle is a castle in Hashtrud, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran. It is named after Zahhak, a figure in Persian mythology.
Azhdeha Peykar Castle is a historical castle located in Larestan County in Fars Province, The longevity of this fortress dates back to the…