Essa linda igreja jesuíta é um fino exemplo do barroco siciliano. Recentemente renovada, definitivamente vale a visita.
Uma interessante mistura de influências normanda e barroca. A catedral impressionante abriga muitas pinturas bonitas, afrescos e mais.
Preciosa jóia arquitetônica, este convento do século XV possui um teto antigo de madeira valioso e um órgão impressionante, ambos datando…
The Church of St. Mary of the Admiral, also called Martorana, is the seat of the Parish of San Nicolò dei Greci, overlooking the Piazza…
The Monastery of San Nicolò l'Arena in Catania, Sicily is a former Benedictine monastery, located on Piazza Dante 30 in the city of Catania…
San Giovanni degli Eremiti is an ancient former monastic church located on Via Benedettini #19 in the ancient quarter of Albergaria of the…
The Oratory of the Rosary of Saint Dominic is a Baroque oratory of Palermo.
A Catedral de Monreale é uma das mais importantes construções sacras da cultura normanda na Itália.
The Church of Saint Francis of Assisi is a Gothic-style, Roman Catholic church of Palermo.
This medieval church may seem simple in structure at first, but be sure to stop by and explore its beautiful decorations.
The Ancient Royal and Eminent Basilica Collegiate of Our Lady of the Alms, better known as Basilica della Colleggiata, is a church in…
Capela Palatina é a capela real dos reis ítalo-normandos da Sicília, situada no térreo do Palácio dos Normandos, em Palermo.
Messina Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Messina, Sicily.
The Duomo of San Giorgio is a Baroque church located in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily, Italy.
The Church of Saint Augustine is a Gothic church of Palermo. It is located near the market of the Capo, in the quarter of the Seralcadio,…
An impressive structure with visible Norman influences. The one thing to notice is the brilliant altarpiece by Caravaggio.
Construído em estilo barroco siciliano, este templo foi frequentemente usado por Ricardo, o Coração de Leão, durante a Terceira Cruzada.
The Church of the Santissima Annunziata dei Catalani is a church in Messina, Sicily Italy. It is an example of Norman architecture in Sicily.
Patti Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Patti, Sicily, Italy, dedicated to Saint Bartholomew.
O primeiro edifício religioso que foi reconstruído após o terremoto de 1908.