Esta praça icónica, com todas as melhores vistas e atrações, é o primeiro sítio em Moscovo merecedor da sua visita.
A Praça das Catedrais é uma praça central no Kremlin de Moscovo, onde todas as suas ruas convergiam no século XV.
Revolution Square is a square located in the center of Moscow, in Tverskoy District, northwest of Red Square.
Theatre Square or Teatralnaya Square, known as Sverdlov Square between 1919 and 1991, is a city square in the Tverskoy District of central…
Pushkinskaya Square or Pushkin Square in the Tverskoy District of central Moscow.
Suvorov Square is a city square in Moscow, Russia. Specifically, it is located in the Meshchansky District of the Central Administrative…
Ivanovskaya Square is the largest Kremlin square. Its name comes from the Ivan the Great Bell Tower.