Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda is a cultural facility located in Santiago, Chile, under Citizenry Square, in the southern façade of…
The Museum of Memory and Human Rights is a museum in Santiago, Chile, which commemorates the victims of human rights violations during the…
La Chascona is a house in the Barrio Bellavista of Santiago, Chile, which was owned by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.
Quinta Normal Park is an urban park in the city of Santiago, Chile. The park is in a commune, or district of the same name, Quinta Normal.
The Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral is a cultural center located on 227 Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, in Santiago de Chile.
Esta enorme bandeira chilena pode ser encontrada em um mastro de aço de 61 metros de altura localizado entre a Plaza de la Ciudadanía e a…
A Gran Torre Santiago é um arranha-céu de 300 metros de altura localizado em Santiago, no Chile.