A Catedral de Palermo é a igreja catedral da Arquidiocese Católica Romana de Palermo, situada em Palermo, Sicília, sul da Itália.
Uma interessante mistura de influências normanda e barroca. A catedral impressionante abriga muitas pinturas bonitas, afrescos e mais.
This medieval church may seem simple in structure at first, but be sure to stop by and explore its beautiful decorations.
The Cathedral of Syracuse, formally the Cattedrale metropolitana della Natività di Maria Santissima, is an ancient Catholic church in…
A Catedral de Monreale é uma das mais importantes construções sacras da cultura normanda na Itália.
Catedral de Noto é uma catedral católica da Sicília. Sua construção teve inicio no começo do século XVIII e foi concluída em 1776.
Messina Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Messina, Sicily.
The Duomo of San Giorgio is a Baroque church located in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily, Italy.
The Duomo of San Giorgio is a Baroque church in Modica, Ragusa, Sicily, Italy.
Piazza Armerina Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy.
Patti Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Patti, Sicily, Italy, dedicated to Saint Bartholomew.
Caltanissetta Cathedral is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Caltanissetta. It is located in Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy.
Nicosia Cathedral is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nicosia, Sicily, and is located in Nicosia, Sicily, Italy.