Esta casa do Parlamento foi inaugurada em 1988 e é conhecida pela sua estrutura em forma de bumerangue.
A Galeria Nacional da Austrália é a principal galeria e museu de arte na Austrália, com mais de 120 mil obras de arte.
Canberra Glassworks is an Australian gallery in Canberra and glass art studio open to the general public to view the glass artists working.
The National Portrait Gallery in Canberra is a public art gallery containing portraits of prominent Australians.
Old Parliament House, formerly known as the Provisional Parliament House, was the seat of the Parliament of Australia from 1927 to 1988.
Questacon – The National Science and Technology Centre is an interactive science communication facility in Canberra, Australia.
A Suprema Corte ou Supremo Tribunal da Austrália é o supremo tribunal na hierarquia da corte australiana e a corte final de apelação na…
The National Carillon is a large carillon situated on Queen Elizabeth II Island in Lake Burley Griffin, central Canberra, in the Australian…