A primeira zona pedestre do Taiwan, também chamado "Harajuku do Taipé", este distrito é onde as novas tendências da moda ganham vida e…
Um arranha-céus enorme em forma de bambu. Já foi o edifício mais alto do mundo, entre 2004 e 2010.
O maior e mais popular mercado noturno da cidade. Junte-se aos locais e experimente a incrível variedade de lanches taiwaneses.
Memorial Nacional Chiang Kai-shek é um monumento nacional de Taiwan, erguido em memória de Chiang Kai-shek, ex-presidente da República da…
O Parque Nacional Yangmingshan é um parque nacional taiwanês, localizado no norte da ilha.
The Pier-2 Art Center is an art center in Yancheng District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
O Mercado Noturno de Fengjia é um mercado situado no distrito de Xitun, Taichung, Taiwan.
The Dragon and Tiger Pagodas is a temple located at Lotus Lake in Zuoying District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The temple was built in 1976.
Sun Moon Lake is a lake in Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. It is the largest body of water in Taiwan.
The Anping Tree House is a former warehouse in Anping District, Tainan, Taiwan.
Qingshui Cliff is a 21 kilometer length of coastal cliffs averaging 800 meters above sea level in Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan.
An amazing beach offering marvelous scenic views of the Pacific Ocean as well as a place to go swimming.
The Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village is an amusement park in Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan which has been in operation since…
Zhōngbù Cross-island highway, Xiulin Township, Hualien County, Taiwan 972
Mount Hehuan is a 3,416-metre-high mountain in Central Taiwan. The peak lies on the border of Nantou and Hualien counties and is located…
Itu Aba é a maior do arquipélago conhecido como Ilhas Spratly que é formado pelo conjunto de mais de 100 ilhotas, bancos de areia e recifes…
The National United University is a public university in Miaoli City, Miaoli County, Taiwan.
Eluanbi Lighthouse is a lighthouse located on Cape Eluanbi, the southernmost point of the main island of Taiwan, which separates Taiwan's…
Baishatun Gongtian Temple is a temple located in Baishatun, Tongxiao Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan.
Miaoli is a railway station in Miaoli County, Taiwan served by Taiwan Railways.
Longgang is a railway station on the Taiwan Railways Administration West Coast line located in Houlong Township, Miaoli County, Taiwan.