Inaugurado em 1931, este lindo zoológico é um lugar agradável e interessante para toda a família.
Brno Zoo is a zoo located in Brno-Bystrc, a municipal district of the city of Brno, Czech Republic.
Um bioparque natural onde coexistem mamíferos e aves de diferentes espécies em espaço aberto.
Safari Park Dvůr Králové, known as Dvůr Králové Zoo until 2018, is a 72-hectare zoo located in Dvůr Králové nad Labem, Czech Republic.
Ostrava Zoo, is a zoo, located in Ostrava in the Czech Republic.Ostrava Zoo was founded as Kunčičky Zoo in 1951, on an area called the…
O Sea World de Praga, o maior aquário da República Checa, permite-lhe descobrir o que se esconde no fundo do mar e explorar os habitats…
Um dos melhores jardins zoológicos da República Checa, de boa acessibilidade e repleto de exposições com animais interessantes.
O Zoológico de Liberec é um jardim zoológico localizado na cidade de Liberec, na República Tcheca.
Plzeň Zoo is a Czech zoo, located in Plzeň in Czech Republic. After Liberec Zoo it is the second oldest zoo in the Czech Republic, founded…
Zoopark Chomutov is a Czech zoo located on the outskirts of Chomutov in Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic.
Děčín Zoo, is a Czech zoo, located in Děčín in Czech Republic.Děčín Zoo was founded in 1948, when only four zoological parks existed in…
Olomouc Zoo is a zoo in Olomouc-Svatý Kopeček in the Czech Republic.
Ústí nad Labem Zoological Gardens is a zoo located on the edge of Krásné Březno, close to the centre of the city of Ústí nad Labem in the…
Hodonín Zoo is a zoo, located on the northwestern outskirts of Hodonín in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic.
Vyškov Zoo is a zoo in Vyškov in the South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic.
This zoo is small by area but features many different animals including kangaroos, bears and a tiger.