Um museu de ciência e história natural exibindo vários itens interessantes. É conhecido por sua cúpula geodésica.
The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, is an astronomy museum located at Vanier Park in Vancouver, British Columbia.
The Contemporary Art Gallery is a non-profit public contemporary art gallery in downtown Vancouver.
A Galeria de Arte de Vancouver, ou, no inglês original, Vancouver Art Gallery é a quinta maior galeria de arte do Canadá e a maior do…
The Vancouver Police Museum & Archives opened to commemorate the centennial of the Vancouver Police Department and the City of Vancouver,…
The Roedde House Museum is a late-Victorian home located at 1415 Barclay Street in Vancouver, Canada.
The Vancouver Maritime Museum is a maritime museum devoted to presenting the maritime history of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and…
Hastings Mill was a sawmill on the south shore of Burrard Inlet and was the first commercial operation around which the settlement that…
The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre, is an astronomy museum located at Vanier Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.