Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Nome localGlen Canyon National Recreation Area
LocalizaçãoEstados Unidos da América

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is a national recreation area and conservation unit of the United States National Park Service that encompasses the area around Lake Powell and lower Cataract Canyon in Utah and Arizona, covering 1,254,429 acres of mostly rugged high desert terrain. The recreation area is named for Glen Canyon, which was flooded by the Glen Canyon Dam, completed in 1966, and is now mostly submerged beneath the waters of Lake Powell.

Glen Canyon NRA borders Capitol Reef National Park and Canyonlands National Park on the north, Grand Staircase–Escalante National Monument on the west, Vermilion Cliffs National Monument and the northeasternmost reaches of Grand Canyon National Park on the southwest, and the Navajo Nation on the southeast. The southwestern end of Glen Canyon NRA in Arizona can be accessed via U.S. Route 89 and State Route 98. State Route 95 and State Route 276 lead to the northeastern end of the recreation area in Utah.

Etiquetas Parque NacionalReserva natural
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1-7 Day Vehicle Pass - $25 (one vehicle + its passengers)
1-7 Day Motorcycle Pass - $20 (one motorcycle + its riders)
1-7 Day Individual Permit - $12 per person

For the prices of boating passes or camping fees check the website.

Mais informações e contacto


Official NPS website

Telefone +1 928 608 6200

Coordenadas 37°30'56.395" N -110°46'24.677" E

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