Texas State Fair Grounds

Nome localTexas State Fair Grounds
LocalizaçãoDallas, Estados Unidos da América

Fair Park is a recreational and educational complex in Dallas, Texas, United States, located immediately east of downtown. The 277-acre area is registered as a Dallas Landmark and National Historic Landmark; many of the buildings were constructed for the Texas Centennial Exposition in 1936.

Fair Park has been designated a Great Place in America by the American Planning Association.

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The Hall of State (at… @ Andreas Praefcke

Mais informações e contacto

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_Park

Official Website http://www.fairpark.org/

Twitter https://twitter.com/fairpark

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fairparktx/timeline/

Telefone +1 214 426 3400

Endereço 1121 1st Ave Dallas TX 75210 United States

Coordenadas 32°46'43.757" N -96°45'36.693" E

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