Villa Magna

Nome local
LocalizaçãoAnagni, Itália

Villa Magna is a large imperial ancient Roman villa near the modern town of Anagni, in Lazio, central Italy. The site lies in the Valle del Sacco some 65 km south of Rome, at the foot of the Monti Lepini, directly under the peak known as Monte Giuliano. The villa was excavated between 2006 and 2010.

The location retains the name "Villamagna" attesting to the local memory of the imperial villa and its successive occupation as a monastery and lay community, which have obscured the earlier remains.

It was recognised as imperial property from the elaborate and exceptional winery described in letters by Marcus Aurelius in 140-5 AD.

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Mais informações e contacto


Endereço Strada Comunale Stazione di Sgurgola Villamagna, 03012, Italy

Coordenadas 41°40'54.652" N 13°6'45.804" E

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