Кельштайнхаус — чайный домик, построенный с 1937 по 1938 гг., как подарок НСДАП на 50-летний юбилей Адольфа Гитлера.
Кёнигсзе — вытянутое по форме с юга на север озеро на юго-востоке Баварии, расположенное в районе Берхтесгаден в окружении высоких гор, как…
Salzbergwerk Berchtesgaden is the oldest active salt mine in Germany, in which salt is mainly extracted in the wet, and also a showcase in…
Dokumentation Obersalzberg is a museum in the Obersalzberg resort near Berchtesgaden, providing information on the use of the mountainside…
Церковь святого Варфоломея на Кёнигсзе — католическая паломническая капелла на западном берегу Кёнигсзе, на полуострове Хиршау.
The Untersberg is the northernmost massif of the Berchtesgaden Alps, a prominent spur straddling the border between Berchtesgaden, Germany…
The Röthbachfall is the highest waterfall in Germany, with a vertical drop of 470 metres.
The Predigtstuhl Cable Car has been in operation since 1928 and is the second oldest, still running, original large-cabin cable car in the…
The Freilassing Locomotive World is a railway museum in the Berchtesgadener Land, which is operated with the cooperation of the town of…
Бе́ргхоф — в 1928—1945 резиденция Адольфа Гитлера в долине Берхтесгадена в Баварских Альпах.
Веб-дизайн — отрасль веб-разработки и разновидность дизайна, в задачи которой входит проектирование пользовательских веб-интерфейсов для…
The Schellenberg Ice Cave is a cave located in the Berchtesgaden Alps in Upper Bavaria, Germany, near the Austrian border.
The Schellenberg Ice Cave is a cave located in the Berchtesgaden Alps in Upper Bavaria, Germany, near the Austrian border.
Schwarzbach is a river of Bavaria, Germany. It is a right tributary of the Saalach near Schneizlreuth.
Замок Штауфенек — замок, расположенный в баварской коммуне Пидинг.
The Hochstaufen is the easternmost mountain of the Chiemgau Alps, Germany. It is located in the north of Bad Reichenhall.
The Riesending cave is a pit cave in the Untersberg near Berchtesgaden, Germany and Salzburg, Austria.
The Dreisesselberg is a mountain in Bavaria, Germany, in the mountain range Lattengebirge.
Grünstein is a mountain of Bavaria, Germany.